Collets Maximize


Collet for the roulette chuck. These collars may be necessary if you purchase end caps separately from the sleeves. If you buy sets already made, they are provided..

More details

  • 1.6mm (for all small roulette tip)
  • 2.3mm (for big 6mm roulette tips and cutter blade)
  • 3.2mm (for etching roulette tip)

5,00 € (EUR)

Collet for the roulette chuck. These collars may be necessary if you purchase end caps separately from the sleeves. If you buy sets already made, they are provided.

1.6mm collet (you always get one with the handle designed for intaglio) is for most of the small roulette tips.

2.3mm collet is for the cutter blade, and for the big 6mm roulette hatching tips

3.2mm collet (you always get one with the strenghtened handle) is for the big roulette irregular dots tips, and the etching roulette tip. You can use is for tips for other manufacturers too.

  • Product Name:Collets
  • Price: 5,00 € (EUR)
  • Product Width: 0.00 cm
  • Product Height: 1.00 cm
  • Product Depth: 0.00 cm
  • Product Weight: 0.02 kg
  • Description: Collet for the roulette chuck. These collars may be necessary if you purchase end caps separately from the sleeves. If you buy sets already made, they are provided..
