I offer 4 types of roulette handles for the relief print, usable on all supports (wood, plywood, lino, cardboard ...)

- "Needle line" roulette allow small round holes to be made with enough space between them. Non-interchangeable model.

- Interchangeable strengthened roulette are similar to the "intaglio" version but reinforced at the level of the bearings. The maxi size burrs are not suitable for this handle.

- Roulette for both relief print and intaglio can be use for intaglio (frictionless bearings) and relief print (strenghtened bearings).

- The maxi wheels are of much larger dimensions (handle approximately 20cm, weight approximately 500gr), designed to work in savings size or intaglio on larger format plates. The size and weight of the handle gives a lot more strength. Prefer the "ball" tips for relief print and "flame" for intaglio. Great for maxi  size tips, also works for smaller wood burrs. Not suitable for specific intaglio "mini" burrs. Please note, for customers outside France, the weight of the tools means that the shipping costs are higher than for other tools.


Needles roulettes
relief print
Needles roulettes for relief print

Strengthened roulettes
relief print
Strengthened interchangeables roulettes (intaglio and relief print)

Roulettes for both
intaglio and relief print
Interchangeables roulettes for both intaglio and relief print

Maxi roulettes
intaglio and relief print
Maxi interchangeables roulettes (intaglio and relief print)
