Product Details

995 Items

Etching needles (micro chucked handle)

Interchangeable handle. The flexibility of the needles allows them to bounce off the plate for working with textures. Only for varnished plate. 



Flexible needles for etching (for varnished plates)
2 extra pointed, 2 pointed, 2 rounded
Hard abrasives files
80 grit file: as a pencil, makes medium grays. As a scraper: scratches hard
Good alternative to a mezzotint scraper
Almost polishing
6 abrasive files grits 80 - 120 - 180 - 400 -800 - 1200.

The grit 80 scratches very hard and makes medium grays, the 400 is an alternative to the scraper for the mezzotint and makes light grays, and the 1200 is almost polishing
Silver point (drawing on prepared paper)

* is required

Total price of options:
Total price:
  • $ USD37.86

Handle type
Etching points
995 Items

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